Anti Climb
Are Anti Climb Spikes Effective?
Posted by Tony Goldstone on

When faced with the challenge of unwanted intruders people often immediately think about anti climb spikes. But are anti climb spikes effective and are they enough to keep unwanted intruders out? The History of Anti Climb Spikes The use of anti climb spikes, to deter and prevent unwanted intruders, goes way back to ancient fortifications. Spiked barriers were commonly employed on city walls and castles to prevent enemies from climbing over. During the industrial revolution, new factories and warehouses needed to bolster their security to defend against burglars. A key part of these defences were aggressive, spiked barriers. And many...
Is Anti Climb Paint Legal?
Posted by Tony Goldstone on

Anti climb paint is widely recommended by the police and security professionals. But many people are still unsure whether using anti climb paint is legal, how to use it safely and how it works. Here are some answers to commonly asked anti-climb paint questions. What is Anti Climb Paint? Anti climb paint is a thick, slipper substance that’s applied to surfaces like normal paint. The big difference is that anti climb paint doesn’t dry and it remains slippery for many years. Anti climb paint is applied in a thick, 2 to 3mm coating. Application is best achieved using a brush...
Trespasser Will be Prosecuted - or Will They?
Posted by Tony Goldstone on

We’ve all seen the ‘Trespassers will be Prosecuted signs around a variety of properties in the countryside, towns and cities. But there is a great deal of confusion over what constitutes trespass in the UK and whether trespassers can actually be prosecuted. What is Trespassing? Trespassing in the UK is defined as the act of entering or remaining on private property without the owner's permission. It can also include: Disregarding signs that indicate the property is private or "No Trespassing" Failing to leave when asked to by the owner or their representative Using the property without the owner's consent, such...
Learn More About Roller Barrier from Our Videos
Posted by Tony Goldstone on

We’ve recently expanded our collection of Roller Barrier videos to provide exactly what people want to know about this increasingly popular and highly effective, safe anti climb system. Click here to see our Roller Barrier video collection. Roller Barrier for Safe Anti Climb Protection - 90 Second Video This bite-size video provides a quick introduction to the Roller Barrier system, demonstrating how and why the barrier is now used in a wide range of installations where totally safe anti climb protection is needed. Our 90-second video format suits many people who need a quick overview without spending too much time...
Roller Barrier Continues to Provide Reliable, Safe Anti Climb Protection
Posted by Tony Goldstone on

Our Roller Barrier anti climb system has now been widely deployed to all manner of establishments to provide reliable anti climb protection without risk of causing injury. Unlike other forms of anti climb device, Roller Barrier is safe. There is no chance that anyone who might attempt to climb over Roller Barrier will hurt themselves and the barrier is protecting a wide variety of properties and structures. Where Roller Barrier is Used Roller Barrier is now used everywhere from private homes to prisons, schools, stately homes, power stations, supermarkets, industrial premises and local authority buildings. Its used both outdoors and...