Our Roller Barrier anti climb system has now been widely deployed to all manner of establishments to provide reliable anti climb protection without risk of causing injury. Unlike other forms of anti climb device, Roller Barrier is safe. There is no chance that anyone who might attempt to climb over Roller Barrier will hurt themselves and the barrier is protecting a wide variety of properties and structures.
Where Roller Barrier is Used
Roller Barrier is now used everywhere from private homes to prisons, schools, stately homes, power stations, supermarkets, industrial premises and local authority buildings. Its used both outdoors and indoors to prevent unwanted climbers from clambering onto or over structures where they are not allowed.
Railways, for example, are generally fenced off in areas close to conurbations. But sadly, some people, especially children, scale these fences to dash across the railway lines. Roller Barrier has been effectively deployed in these locations to enhance the fencing and make it impossible to clime over, without any risk of causing injury.
Many schools are often troubled by youngsters who will get onto the school grounds and perhaps climb onto rooftops, outside of school hours. Schools can also attract attention from criminals who know they will find many valuable, re-salable items, such as computers and tools, inside the school. Roller Barrier is now providing reliable protection, keeping school property safe and secure while not risking causing any injury to youngsters who might attempt to climb over a fence or reach a rooftop.

A variety properties have been troubled by Parkour enthusiasts who are continually on the lookout for challenging terrain over which they can develop their skills. Unfortunately, they often cause damage to rooftops and other structures. Many of these properties are now protecting their rooftops from unwanted climbers by installing Roller Barrier.
Many UK prisons not only need to keep the prisoners inside, they also need to protect internal structures from climbers who might harm themselves. Roller Barrier has been widely used to protect internal structures and ledges from unwanted climbers who might otherwise have harmed themselves.

And Roller Barrier is now relied upon in and around many psychiatric establishments where the use of nasty looking spiky metal anti climb devices would potentially exacerbate anxiety and fearfulness amongst patients. Roller Barrier looks harmless because it is safe. But its also highly effective in preventing people from climbing where they are not allowed.
These are just a few examples of where Roller Barrier is now providing effective, safe anti climb protection. There are many more.
Roller Barrier Warranty
The Roller Barrier anti climb system from Insight Security has a full 3-year manufacturers warranty from the date of purchase. But based on the many successful installations of Roller Barrier it has become very clear that this high performance anti climb protection has an estimated life expectancy in excess of 15 years. This represents excellent value for money.
Roller Barrier Maintenance
Roller Barrier is designed to be entirely maintenance free. It is an “install and forget” anti climb system that, as noted, is providing long term, reliable anti climb protection in all manner of installations, worldwide. But a little basic inspection and maintenance can extend the aesthetic appearance of the plastic roller cups.
Roller Barrier cups are made from a robust plastic material that contains reliable additives that minimise the impact of UV radiation from sunlight. Although the cup material contains an additive to prevent the colour from fading in the sun it still makes sense to rotate the cups through 90 degrees every 3 to 4 years to minimise UV induced fading.
Once a Roller Barrier installation has reached the end of its useful life, all of the materials used are entirely recyclable.
For more information on Roller Barrier please contact our experienced, friendly team.